Monday, September 5, 2016

Winnipeg, Manitoba 1600 Miles

The car is being packed.  Yes we are driving. We are ready to go, across Pennsylvania, Ohio and into Michigan.  North to Sault Ste. Marie and into Ontario Canada.  Our route will take us along the north shore of Lake Superior, a stretch we visited a couple of years back.  Then we will go west to Manitoba and Winnipeg.  We will be looking to escape the 90 degree heat that continues to plague us here in central Pennsylvania.  Looking forward to whatever the weather is in northern Manitoba.  A flight to Churchill, on the Hudson Bay and then on a small plane to the Tundra Camp further north.  We hope to see caribou, bears, birds foxes, hares, whales then fly to the Seal River Lodge to see the same.  Lots of photos will be taken and some will be posted on this site.  This trip is the top of the bucket list.  I cannot wait to start.

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