Thursday, September 29, 2016

Tundra Camp at Schmok Lake

Tundra Lodge

Our full day at the Tundra Lodge was beautiful.  It started cold and frosty.  We woke up to frost covering everything, including our tent.  But the weather warmed and it turned into a lovely day.

You can see the electric fence that surrounded us in the background.

The color was beautiful.

We were always accompanied by at least one guide with a gun.  This is Terry scouting the path ahead.  Many in our group were anxious to see caribou.
But all we saw were caribou bones laying on a patch of blueberries.

The lodge staff went out fishing on the lake and came back with seven fish: lake trout and northern pike.  We had them for lunch cooked over the fire.
 After lunch, some of the group went for a walk and some of us went out on the lake for a fishing expedition.  It has to be 50 years since I last fished on a lake.  It was fun, but only one of us caught a fish.  We threw it back in; I think Chef Mike had enough fish for one day.

We had cocktails and "appys" and a wonderful dinner in the dining tent.  There was now a fire going, so we sat and watched the sun go down and listened to some great poetry recitations before getting ready to go back to our tent.  The northern lights had come out, so we spent some time watching them.

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