Friday, September 30, 2016

Tundra Tracker Day

Today we suited up in our warmest clothes and boots and took along an insulated jacket from the lodge for a trip on the tundra trackers out to Jake's cabin.  We traveled along the tidal flats, which were filled with rocks.  The color and reflection of the water were amazing.

We saw lots of birds along the way.  Flocks of snow geese and sand hill cranes.  We crossed over several low ridges where wolves had been seen on earlier trips, but not today.  No bears in sight.  We stopped for lunch and
as expected, the kitchen provided hot soup, salads, hot drinks and dessert.  After lunch we walked another 15-20 minutes out to Jake's cabin.  It was boarded up for the season. 

Back to our tundra trackers for the return trip to the lodge.  It had warmed up and the path back became a bit more soggy.  Our trackers became stuck in the mud, so all out, bring out the shovels and a good push got everyone back on track.

 You could not stop taking pictures of the bears.

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