Friday, September 30, 2016

Schmok Lake to Seal River

We woke up on our second morning in the tent to a somewhat warmer day, but overcast.  We did have hot drinks delivered to the tent in the morning, which was nice.  We headed off to the lodge for breakfast and found out the weather was closing in, so our flights out were moved up.  We were moved up to group 1 for this flight, which was ok for me.  We headed back to the tents to pack up and back again to the lodge to await the arrival of our float plane.
These planes do not just land, but have to maneuver their way to the dock.  The wind was blowing and it took some minutes for the pilot to line up with the dock.  We were ready to load, but someone's luggage was left at the tents and one of the guides ran back to retrieve it.  The flight back to Seal River was about 50 minutes and we were flying about 1600 feet high.  We thought it would be a rough flight, but truly, it was quite smooth.  Our hosts were ready for us and we loaded into the transport for the trip to the lodge.
We went to our rooms and I am guessing that just about everyone took a shower before lunch.  As we were eating, our compatriots arrived from the tundra camp.  Together again.  The bears came up to the fence and I am sure several hundred photos were taken.
Afternoon hike.

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